World / Server modifiers are edited under /Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini in the Files tab.


This file may be empty by default. If so is the case, you must manually fill it with the values you want to modify. To make this process easier, you can copy the contents of DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini from the root folder (first directory listing) of your servers files.

In some cases, this file will reset when you stop the server even if your server is already powered off when you start editing. In these cases, change death penalty to "2" and egghatchingtime to "2" and the file should not reset next restart.


Important note

Make sure the server is stopped BEFORE you edit this file. This is because the server saves its config state when the server shuts down, overwriting anything you did with the empty config it probably had while it was running.