Note: Please make sure you create a ticket upon ordering either Dedicated IP or Domain with your server. Due to high demand, these are provisioned manually within 24 hours.

When setting up a game hosting service, choosing the right type of IP addresses and domain options is crucial. This guide explains the differences between Shared IP, Dedicated IP, and Domain options in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.


All options also include a free subdomain ending with

1. Shared IP

Your address will look like:

What is it? A Shared IP address is like an apartment building where you share the address with other residents. In game hosting, this means your server shares an IP address with others.


  • Cost-Effective: Generally cheaper than dedicated IPs.
  • Sufficient for Beginners: Ideal for new/small servers.


  • Limited Customization: Some specific configurations or services may not be available on a shared IP.

2. Dedicated IP

Your address will look like:

What is it? A Dedicated IP address is like having your own house with a unique address. It means your game server gets its own IP, not shared with anyone else.


  • Exclusive Control: Full control over your server environment.
  • Enhanced Security: Lower risk of being affected by others.
  • Direct Access: Players can connect directly using the IP.


  • Cost: More expensive than a shared IP.
  • Responsibility: Sole responsibility for managing the IP.

3. Domain

Your address will look like:

What is it? A Domain allows you to use a custom domain name for your server, which includes all benefits of a dedicated IP.


  • Brand Identity: Enhances your server’s brand with a custom domain.
  • Easy Access: Players connect using a memorable name.
  • SEO Benefits: Improves your server's visibility on search engines.
  • All Benefits of Dedicated IP: Includes dedicated IP advantages.


  • Cost: Generally the most expensive option.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime.